Wayne Deakin illustration

Why brand unity is critical in times of upheaval

In this year of elections, we can expect seismic business changes, mergers and acquisitions. Brand expression is essential during these shifts, and the role of the chief designer officer should not be overlooked, says Wolff Olins’ Wayne Deakin

With national elections in over 64 countries impacting 49% of the world’s population, Time magazine has called 2024 the ‘election year’. So what does this mean for brands?

A change in government is a pivotal inflection point between old and new, and the impact this has on the world of business is significant. The wants and needs of customers and employees will inevitably change. There will be tectonic shifts to the global economy, which will change the dial and tempo for many businesses and brands.

Recognising and responding to moments like this can make or break a company. While the space between the end of one era and the beginning of the next might seem a useful point to stop, draw breath and take stock, it requires more than just a basic overview or a few tweaks to the plan. Instead, brand owners should take the opportunity to scrutinise objectively how well they ‘do branding’.