
Will ‘flatter’ companies fare better in the age of AI?

As AI reshapes the corporate landscape, design duo Vit Abramov and Holga Balina believe businesses are overdue a structural shake-up too

Imagine a company where human ideas flowed as freely as electricity, unimpeded by layers of management and bureaucracy. Now picture an organisation where artificial intelligence (AI) serves as its central nervous system, analysing data, coordinating tasks and making operational decisions in real-time. But what if you combined the two?

A world where human creativity and artificial intelligence flourish in harmony with one another is no longer a pipe dream. In fact, our research suggests it’s the near future of business. But benefiting from this dynamic is going to require businesses to rethink their internal structures and embrace flat, “heterarchical” working – where individuals are empowered to make more decisions, collaborate more deeply across different departments and innovate with fewer restrictions – or risk being left behind.

As all creatives know, every layer of a company’s hierarchy adds a layer of friction. Hierarchies slow down decisions, stifle innovation and create unnecessary barriers to real innovation. But there’s a catch: flatter structures, where both AI and human creativity coexist, will only work if AI serves as a company’s nerve centre, with teams and individuals keeping accountability for their own work. It’s a model that requires both transparency and agility, but companies willing to embrace this shift could see truly impressive rewards, such as increased efficiency, a more motivated team and a culture that truly values human creativity.