Gousto STS 1

Cooking steals the show in Gousto’s new campaign

Created by Mother London, the recipe box brand’s campaign aims to highlight how cooking can beat TV when it comes to an evening’s entertainment

The witty new campaign is centred around a TV spot which aired in the UK over the Christmas break, and sees characters in a period drama distracted by scenes in a kitchen where a Gousto meal is being prepared.

All the typical period drama tropes are on display, including a pair of star-crossed lovers who are pursued by an over-bearing viscount determined to keep them apart. That is, until he notices that quinoa is on the menu in the home where the show is being aired.

The overall strategy of the campaign is to emphasise how cooking can rival TV in terms of how we spend our time.

“Over the past few years the question of ‘what’s for dinner?’ has been overshadowed by ‘what shall we watch?’ in many households, with modern life seeing us slumped on the sofa, with Netflix and an uninspiring bowl of whatever,” says Matt Tanter, head of strategy at Mother.

The TV spot ends with a slightly jarring voiceover which points out that Gousto has 75 recipes available each week. The film is also accompanied by a series of out-of-home ads, two shown below, which put more emphasis on the food via photos by Alex Telfer.

Gousto The-Main-Event Quinoa
Gousto The-Main-Event HotPot

Agency: Mother London
Production Company: Arts & Sciences
Directors: The Bobbsey Twins
Production Agency (Photography): Peter Bailey Company
Photographer: Alex Telfor