Rick Chant

Rick Chant is co-founder and ECD of We Are Pi in Amsterdam. He writes for CR about creativity and ideas in advertising and beyond


Dumb ways to fly

Foolish brand ideas are often surprisingly successful. So let’s take the most stupid ideas seriously and see them soar, says We Are Pi’s Rick Chant


The digital doppelgänger dilemma

AI is already changing our relationships with celebrities, as several stars endorse its potential. The question is, should you get on board, and if you don’t, will you be left behind?

Is it time to end the call to action?

Just Do It and Think Different are held up as the ultimate OG taglines. They spawned countless imitators, but has the public finally grown tired of being told what to do by brands? Is it time to call time on the call to action?

Life in multiple dimensions

Artificial intelligence may bring a new meaning to hybrid working in the future, as our digital avatars are taught to sweat the small stuff while we take care of the big questions, suggests We Are Pi ECD Rick Chant