Mr Bingo on establishing his digital presence IRL

As the London-based illustrator and artist opens his first bricks-and-mortar shop, he reflects on the journey that brought him here

Mr Bingo might have acquired a global online following for his witty artworks and penchant for the word ‘fuck’, but the time has come for him to bring his active social media presence into the real world with a studio-cum-shop. It is to be found on a picturesque street in Clerkenwell in London, right next door to the Quentin Blake Centre for Illustration.

“I’ve been happy for the last nine years just having a studio where I work. It could be anywhere, as I only need a desk, scanner, computer, and some surfaces,” Mr Bingo says as he points to his modest-sized studio, which sits behind the tastefully designed shop. “It’s [now] more of an open studio where people can come on Fridays.”

Given his close relationship with his audience, it’s no surprise that Mr Bingo says that unlike most illustrators and artists (“who make their work in private and get paraded around the gallery occasionally”), he really likes people. “My audience enables me to do my job and work commercially,” he says. “Social media is like a focus group because the internet gives instant feedback. I put an image out, look at the likes and the comments and based on that, I’ll decide to make it or not.”

Mr Bingo's shop front
Top and above: Mr Bingo’s shop. All photos by @frenchandtye