How it was made: Our CR Annual Cover

The cover for this year’s Creative Review Annual was created by Andrew B Myers. It features die-cut letter As which reveal coloured paper in various shades beneath

Every year our CR Annual cover starts with a simple idea – the A. Since we began the Annual 15 years ago, various artists have tackled the brief, rendering the A in everything from ice to pollen cells (below).

This year’s Annual cover was created for us by New York-based illustrator Andrew B Myers (see his work here), commissioned by our art director, Paul Pensom. Andrew took the cutting board as his inspiration. Uppercase letter As in various styles are strewn across the board, which was created for real and then photographed.

To make the cover extra special, we worked with Arjowiggins Creative Papers. We wanted the cover to feature real cut-outs of some of the As, but then we were faced with the issue of what would show through those cuts from underneath.

Keaykolour is Arjowiggins’ range of coloured uncoated paper and boards. It comes in 48 colours, of which we picked seven – Pastel Pink, Indian Yellow, Pumpkin, Coral, Baltic Sea, Lipstick and Kiwi. A sheet of Keaycolour was inserted inside the cover so that it shows through the outer.

Our thanks to Arjowiggins and to our production partners, Logical Connections, Crystal and our repro house PH Media for yet again doing a great job on the issue. You can find the Annual on newsstands or buy it direct from us here.

Buy The Annual 2018

Keaykolour is Arjowiggins Creative Papers’ iconic range of uncoated papers and high-rigidity boards designed for premium print and packaging applications. The Keaykolour spectrum has been expanded from 20 colours to 48, to offer designers a vastly increased palette with which to work.

The new colours visually convey Keaykolour’s refined, natural texture with nine families of harmonised half-tones ranging from the stony and subtle to the rich and blooming. New dark colours include Sequoia, Port Wine and Carmine, and, at the more vibrant end, Indian Yellow, Pumpkin and Coral.

The new Keaykolour range is produced with virgin pulp except 5 of the colours which are made from 100% Recycled Pulp: Camel, Chalk, Particles Snow, Particles Moonlight and Particles Sunshine. There is also a wide range of geometric and organic embossed patterns available. More info at