Nice publications

This month we’ve got five new publications for your discerning eyes: the latest from both Victionary and Nobrow, issue two of Fourth & Main Journal, issue eight of Popshot magazine, and a look at new magazine, Perdiz…

Nihilism, optimism and bedtime tales

FUEL has been working on some interesting projects for two of the UK’s most notable artistic pairings recently: an identity for a new show by Tim Noble and Sue Webster, and a book of illustrated children’s stories by Jake and Dinos Chapman

Cartier-Bresson inspires new photography show

In a nice curatorial twist, Cartier-Bresson: A Question of Colour takes one of the master black and white photographer’s most famous adages – “the decisive moment” – and reveals how contemporary colour photographers have made the concept their own

Seb Lester’s Arse, and other new works

Your eyes do not deceive you, the word ‘arse’ really has been hand carved in a block of Welsh slate. This is, in fact, one of a series of new stone artworks unveiled by typographer and designer Seb Lester on his website today…


As M/M (Paris), Michaël Amzalag and Mathias Augustyniak changed the face of French graphic design. As they celebrate their 20th anniversary, a major new monograph compiles the pair’s distinctive work. Is what they do design? Is it illustration? Or has M/M gone beyond such labels?

Independent thinkers

Thirty years after its birth in provincial Portland, Wieden + Kennedy has offices in eight cities around the world and a reputation for great creative work. But how do they maintain standards and keep that work fresh? How do they deal with change and the highs and inevitable lows of agency life? Eliza Williams gained unique insight into the workings of one of advertising’s top networks. Here’s our special report on life at W+K

Open government

Released this month, GOV.UK is the first major project from the Government Digital Service and an indication of how it hopes to change the way we interact with the state, through great design

Design for art’s sake

An exhibition on the graphic design of the late Tony Arefin records a colourful journey from art to advertising

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is a series of five new video artworks by Universal Everything