Type specimens

Type specimens have been published since the invention of moveable type, with the earliest well-known example being Antwerp printer Christopher Plantin’s 1567 Index Sive Specimen Characterum. The purpose of such a document in the 16th century was the same then as it is now: to showcase a typeface or typefaces in the various alphabets, styles and sizes available. A specimen functions as a catalogue, a printed sales pitch, designed to say ‘this is what we’ve got and this is how it can be used’

The Aspen attitude

As one of the first multimedia publications, Aspen hinted at what a magazine could be. It’s now the subject of a new show

The network goes Nobblee

Everything Everywhere will rebrand as EE this month, complete with a new identity born out of networked data

Instant gratification

Over 200,000 images are uploaded using Instagram every hour of every day. But although the app is hugely popular it is yet to turn a profit. Where does the future lie for the world’s most popular image app?