Loving the robots

With a new biography, a lavish compilation of 45 single sleeves and even an eight-night residency at MoMa, Kraftwerk’s legion of graphic designer fans have had much to enjoy recently. What is it about these sonic scientists that makes them so appealing to the design profession?

In-house to out-house

Our new columnist, designer Daniel Benneworth-Gray, reflects on life as a freelancer, a year on from starting afresh

To Have And To Hold

To Have And To Hold is a collection of the paper bags that were compiled as part of the Preston Polytechnic ephemera archive and housed in the Library

CR November issue / The Photography Annual

Creative Review’s November issue includes features on Wieden + Kennedy, M/M (Paris), GOV.UK, Kraftwerk, and Instagram, plus 85 pages of great images in our Photography Annual 2012

The party animals

Photographer Alan Powdrill’s latest personal project involved taking portraits of festival go-ers at Bestival where a fancy dress theme, ‘really wild’, was in place

Evian drops a musical Twitter app

Evian has today launched Melotweet, a free musical app that turns your Twitter feed into a game where incoming tweets appear as descending droplets that sound a note as they hit various objects that users arrange on the screen…

Virgin Media Shorts Lucky 13 poster winner

Mia Frances Kennedy, a student at Central St Martins, has won the Virgin Media Shorts competition to design a poster for PJ, Tiny Planet Explorer, the Lucky 13th film nudged into this year’s VMS shortlist by social media votes

The Horrorgami Show

Made from a single sheet of A4 paper, the above, impressively detailed paper model of Overlook Hotel from The Shining is one of 13 kirigami works by Marc Hagan-Guirey, aka Paper Dandy, that form his debut exhibition, Horrorgami…

The Ministry of Stories Needs You…

Dave Eggers’ 826 literacy project launched a host of children’s writing centres in the US, with the Ministry of Stories setting up as the London wing two years ago. Each centre is housed behind by a fantastical shop front and now the Ministry is looking for people to take its Hoxton Street Monster Supplies model […]

PhotoVoice lecture: Tim Flach

Next week photographer Tim Flach (whose image of Jambo, a hairless chimpanzee, above, graces the cover of our new November / Photography Annual issue) is set to talk about his new book, More Than Human, at a PhotoVoice lecture in London…

Animal magic

At his recent TYPO London talk, Henrik Kubel of A2/SW/HK admitted he can’t draw animals like the artist he used to watch on TV when he was a boy. But he can wield a pen to produce some fantastic hand-drawn lettering, as a film for the studio’s A2-TYPE foundry shows

Ads that work

The UK’s favourite department store now also officially boasts the UK’s most effective advertising campaign, having won the IPA Effectiveness Award’s Grand Prix prize