Heathrow B-Movie?

747s bounce around like toys on strings in an interesting time-lapse film of planes approaching London’s Heathrow Airport

The illustrated Wired world of the future

A new special issue of Wired magazine (UK edition) utilises no fewer than 17 image-makers to illustrate predicted trends for 2013 in technology, media, politics, science, business, health, lifestyle and architecture…


A new diary offers up a fresh start, the promise of a whole year conveyed through clean, blank pages. But what if it told of the cold hard truths that lay ahead? The Disappointments Diary 2013 does just that

CR Photography Annual launch party

Creative Review celebrated the launch of this year’s Photography Annual with a party at theprintspace gallery. An exhibition of our Best in Book winners will be on at theprintspace until November 6

Musical tweets to save an orchestra

To raise awareness of the plight of Amsterdam’s under-funded Metropole Orchestra, Havas Worldwide Amsterdam has collaborated with Perfect Fools to create Tweetphony, a Twitter campaign that allows users to compose musical tweets…

Jamaican stamps at Stanley Gibbons

Designer Jon Daniel has curated a show of 50 Jamaican stamps at the Stanley Gibbons shop in London as part of the wider celebrations marking 50 years of the country’s independence

Art on rugs

Next week, eleven new graphic artworks, each by a different image maker, will go on display at London’s Dray Walk Gallery in the form of one-off, hand woven rugs…

Agency makes good making-of film shock

Most ad agency making-of films are pretty painful to watch, so we’re tipping the CR hat to Mother London for its film supporting new Ikea spot Playin’ With My Friends, in which one of the cast of toys tells his story

Peel here to learn about Epidermolysis Bullosa

Publicis London has created a hard-hitting interactive Facebook app for national charity DEBRA which explicitly demonstrates how Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) affects sufferers of the genetic skin condition…

Don Hudson and the Detroit archives

Don Hudson has photographed the streets of Detroit and Michigan state since the early 1970s, documenting daily life in the American Midwest. His first book, from Paris-based Éditions FP&CF, collects together highlights from his personal archives

Sony Music timeline, 1887-2012

The history of Sony Music is charted in a typographic timeline installed in the company’s London HQ, created by designer Alex Fowkes

Coke Zero turns keen commuters into 007

Filming unsuspecting passers-by in an interactive event to promote a brand online is always a bit of a risk. Will Joe Public participate? Will the filming provide enough material to entertain the YouTube viewer? Will people share the clip online?