Malika Favre illustrates for Malawi Mothers charity

Scottish charity MUMs (Malawi Underprivileged Mothers) commissioned illustrator Malika Favre to illustrate a children’s book entitled When The Rains Come, a charming initiative to raise awareness of problems faced by young mothers in Malawi…

Virgin Media Shorts film posters

For this year’s Virgin Media Shorts contest for up-and-coming filmmakers, Creative Review commissioned illustrators from the Handsome Frank agency to create a poster for each shortlisted film

NB Studio: Why Us?

NB Studio has just released a charming self-promotional film, directed by Johnny Kelly, that explains why potential clients should consider working with them

K is for King, Q is for Queen

Hat-trick design’s Jim Sutherland has created a typographic chess set based on characters from the Hoefler & Frere-Jones face Champion

Murakami covers by Noma Bar

Vintage has redesigned its Haruki Murakami backlist and commissioned illustrator Noma Bar to recover each of the Japanese author’s books.

Boots No7 brand gets a makeover

Originally launched in 1935, Boots’ No7 beauty product brand has recently undergone its very own makeover, courtesy of Hackney-based husband and wife design duo, Two Create…

Guinness Made of More campaign

Directed by Peter Thwaites of Gorgeous, the latest TV spot for the black stuff by AMV BBDO supports the brand strapline “made of more” and features a lone cloud that floats in off the sea to explore a city and er, put out a fire…

Iluzjon: Polish film and theatre posters

A forthcoming London show features some great examples of 1960s and 70s Polish film and theatre poster design collected by archive and shop, Eye Sea Posters

Now Say Something for Habitat

Collaborating with Habitat’s creative director Polly Dickens, London-based agency Now has created a new campaign for the British furniture shop which combines product photography with bespoke, hand-drawn type by designer Dave Towers…

Virgin Media Shorts: The Poster Project

Each year, Virgin Media Shorts offers up-and-coming filmmakers a platform to show their work and the chance to win major prizes, For this year’s contest, CR commissioned illustrators from the Handsome Frank agency to create a poster for each shortlisted film


Japanese creative duo Ryuta Iida and Yoshihisa Tanaka work under the name Nerhol – from the words ‘neru’, to polish or work over, and ‘holu’ to sculpt and carve

Board, Brush & Bucket

The prevalence of plastic street signage has brought an increasing sense of sameness to the American visual landscape. However, traditional sign painters and hand-letterers are fighting back and their craft skills are being sought out across the country. A new book, Sign Painters, introduced by the V&A’s Glenn Adamson below, looks at the people keeping this art alive