Virgin Media Shorts: The Poster Project

Each year, Virgin Media Shorts offers up-and-coming filmmakers a platform to show their work and the chance to win major prizes, For this year’s contest, CR commissioned illustrators from the Handsome Frank agency to create a poster for each shortlisted film


Japanese creative duo Ryuta Iida and Yoshihisa Tanaka work under the name Nerhol – from the words ‘neru’, to polish or work over, and ‘holu’ to sculpt and carve

Board, Brush & Bucket

The prevalence of plastic street signage has brought an increasing sense of sameness to the American visual landscape. However, traditional sign painters and hand-letterers are fighting back and their craft skills are being sought out across the country. A new book, Sign Painters, introduced by the V&A’s Glenn Adamson below, looks at the people keeping this art alive

Hi, my name’s Riso. I’m here to help you!

Risograph duplicator printers were invented by the Japanese company Riso in the mid 1980s. They were designed to duplicate fast and cheaply and have duly been embraced by church groups, schools, community centres and political parties around the world. But now, over 20 years since the printers first appeared, a new type of user is emerging as graphic artists around the world embrace the unique qualities of Riso printing


Highlights from five decades of creative excellence at D&AD

Lifetime Achievement: Collett Dickenson Pearce

Though its glory days ended in the 80s, CDP has won more D&AD awards than any other ad agency. Lord Puttnam, who worked there in the 60s, pays tribute to the qualities that made the agency unique

Lifetime Achievement: Apple

An in-house studio comes top of the list of design D&AD award winners, but not just any in-house studio. Former D&AD President Richard Seymour discusses the contribution of Apple to the industry

Lifetime Achievement: Neil Godfrey

What made Neil Godfrey so special? His former partner at CDP, Tony Brignull, explains why he is D&AD’s most awarded art director

Lifetime Achievement: Designer

The former Pentagram partner and editorial design legend David Hillman is D&AD’s most awarded designer. Here, Simon Esterson, a friend and former colleague, discusses Hillman’s remarkable career