Words, not read but seen

What has the most impact, a symbol or a written logotype? A new website (and book) might help designers decide

In their age-spotted glory

The Book of Books charts 500 years of innovation in print, from the Nuremberg Chronicle to Irma Boom

Great new music vids

Things get a bit trippy in this week’s round up of the best new music videos, with pyschedelic shapes, some charming animated creatures, and a bullfight in slow motion…

Design for Good(will)

A former creative director of the Target retail chain is leading a rebrand of the San Francsico area Goodwill, the US social enterprise organisation which helps people back into work

Information is Beautiful Awards results

Earlier this evening the ICA in London staged the inaugural Information is Beautiful Awards, a celebration of the best work in data visualisation and infographics. Here are the winning projects from the night

Win tickets for Typo London

The Typo conference series, which originated in Berlin, returns to London this year on October 19 and 20, and we have five pairs of tickets to give away…

The digital ghosts of Street View

In pasting up life-size images of people found on Google Street View in the same locations they were originally taken, artist Paolo Cirio’s Street Ghosts offers an interesting take on the notion of publicly displayed but privately-held data

Print & Paste outdoor art space

A group of art and design activists has acquired a billboard in the centre of Manchester and is using it to show a different artist’s work each month as part of the recently-launched Print & Paste project

Can D&AD change for good?

Under Neville Brody’s presidency, D&AD is undergoing some important changes to the way it’s run and what it hopes to achieve. Will they be enough to reinvigorate an organisation which marked its 50th year last week?

Recommended reading

The current issue of literary quarterly Granta features not just some fine writing but some beautiful illustration too, as does another Granta publication, The Book of Barely Imagined Beings

Apple advertising: too simple to win awards?

With the release of the iPhone 5 comes the latest batch of Apple product demo ads. They are as elegant and simple as ever, but don’t expect them to win many industry awards

Norwich Cathedral’s brand bible

Asked to produce a brand identity guidelines manual for Norwich Cathedral, there was really only one route The Click Design Consultants could take…