Meet Me Here: The Roper

Seattle, Washington-based studio, Lucid, has just finished the latest documentary film in its Meet Me Here series. The new short follows Kendrick Domingue, a young ‘calf roper’ from Lafayette hoping to make it big on the US rodeo scene

CR October 12 issue

In our October issue we have a major feature on the rise of Riso printing, celebrate the art of sign painting, examine the credentials of ‘Goodvertising’ and look back at the birth of D&AD

Further adventures in nanotypography

In 2007, artist Robert Chaplin succeeded in making the World’s Smallest Book by carving a series of letterforms onto a microchip. Now he wants to release a printed version that readers can enjoy without the aid of an electron microscope

London gets Point

May 2013 will see the launch of a new design conference for London. Point aims “to celebrate excellence in design and its influence on contemporary culture and society”

Heineken joins forces with Bond

Heineken has launched a new ad campaign to tie in with the release of Skyfall, the new James Bond adventure, which arrives in cinemas in October. The campaign consists of a TV spot – in which Daniel Craig plays a brief cameo – and an interactive online game.

Ten years in style

The Sunday Times Style magazine celebrates its 10th anniversary this Sunday, supported by a press and poster campaign by Grey London that makes use of satin and some fine embroidered typography

Once In Every celebrates UCLan alumni

Every 20 years, Preston stages a unique celebration of crafts and trades – the Preston Guild. This year’s event will include an exhibition marking the work of former students of the leading art and design school based in the city

Samsung’s Apple attacks: bullseye or off-target?

With the launch of the iPhone 5 came the latest Samsung ad poking fun at the ‘fanboys’ (and girls) who worship at the temple of all-things Apple. But while the ads are funny, are they also misguided?

Deuchars’ inky-fingered follow-up

Illustrator Marion Deuchars is following up her highly successful Let’s Make Some Great Art book with a new publication aimed at encouraging young artists to get messy. And it has a charming film to promote it

The Hall of Unwanted Dotcoms

Anyone who has tried to register a dotcom will tell you that all the short, monosyllabic, easy to pronounce names were taken long ago. But a little research reveals that’s not strictly the case

FUEL designs David Foster Wallace biography

The UK edition of DT Max’s biography of the late US writer David Foster Wallace has a type-heavy cover designed by studio Murray & Sorrell FUEL. And as is often the case, it’s quite different to that of the American edition of the same book

Vimeo goes pay-per-view

Vimeo is to introduce two new features that will enable filmmakers to make money from the site. A Tip Jar system for voluntary contributions launches today with a pay-per-view system to be rolled out soon