Robbie Williams’ new Tumblr blog

Tom Hingston Studio has worked with Anomaly and Harmony Park to create a new site for Robbie Williams as part of the campaign for Williams’ forthcoming album…

A studio life in 42 pictures

Ashwin Patel of Grid London has produced a rather elegant print featuring some of the elements common to a typical design studio, covering everything from ‘pressure’ and ‘cutbacks’, to that well known ‘spinning’ wheel

A pop-up King’s Cross

The story of London’s King’s Cross station is told in a charming new illustrated book from Cicada, which boasts a pop-up of the recently regenerated structure at its centre

Together Everyone Achieves More at Kemistry

Designer and illustrator Melvin Galapon has collaborated with image makers Hellovon, Pomme Chan, and James Dawe to create a series of self-initiated artworks which are currently showing at London’s Kemistry Gallery…

Taxis lose their ‘axi’ in NYC

The New York Taxi Commission has done away with the letters “axi” on the sides of its vehicles, leaving a single “T” to work as a symbol. But as visual identifiers go, the “T” is rather redundant: the big yellow cab-shaped thing still does a pretty good job of signifying what it is already

Play the Old Spice guy

The Old Spice man is back, and he’s taking one-man-band technology to the next level, by playing a drum kit using only the power of his muscles…

Laibach’s Warm Leatherette cover

The video for Laibach’s cover of The Normal’s Warm Leatherette (here translated as Warme Lederhaut), appropriately (given the song’s lyrics) features found footage of crash test dummy tests…

Restoring Jesus

Inspired by the recent news story of amateur art restorer Cecilia Giminez’ botched “restoration” of Spanish church mural Ecce Homo by Elías García Martínez, a creative team at BBH has created the The Cecilia Prize website…

Joss McKinley: Gathering Wool

A new series of images by UK photographer Joss McKinley offers an escape from the bustle of modern life. Gathering Wool, which opens at the Foam Museum in Amsterdam later this week, is a celebration of daydreaming

Great new ads from around the globe

Here’s our latest round-up of great advertising work from all over the world. We begin here in London, with Wieden + Kennedy’s latest spot for Nike, which features some lovely puppet action from Aardman Animation’s Patrick Boivin…

An annual report full of light and colour

For Austrian lighting company Zumtobel’s 2012 annual report, design studio Brighten the Corners worked with artist Anish Kapoor to make a two-volume publication: one book contains the facts and figures for the year, the other is a beautiful printed version of a 1998 video piece by the artist