Montreal 76 Olympics: The system

Georges Huel’s symbol for the Montreal 76 Games, which used the Olympic rings to subtly evoke both the medal winners’ podium and the stadium track, is up there with the very best in Olympic identity design

The Olympic collector

Markus Osterwalder owns over 12,000 Olympic items. He talks us through the Games’ visual design history

The candidates

The right to host each Olympic Games is a hard fought contest between rival candidate cities but is the design of the bid logos taken seriously enough?

London 2012: The logo

When the 2012 logo was unveiled, Adrian Shaughnessy was one of its many critics. But, having finally heard the reasoning behind it, he is coming round to its merits

Total design Tokyo style

The year the Olympics ‘got’ modern design was 1964, via Yusaku Kamekura’s logo for the Tokyo games

Grant Orchard’s LOVESPORT animations

Studio AKA director Grant Orchard is posting up one of his 11 Lovesport animations (originally created in 2007 for client QOOBTV) plus four brand new episodes each day online…

The Olympic infographic

Artist Gustavo Sousa has reinterpreted the five Olympic rings as a series of infographics, comparing statistics across the five continents. The statistics range from comparisons of how many McDonald’s outlets there are per continent, to more serious statistsics about gun ownership and hazardous waste…

Man of letters

Letman aka Job Wouters is a master of the hand-crafted decorative letter, and his first book is a celebration of the beauty of putting pen and ink to paper