What the papers say

Printed circuitry, conductive inks and the development of bespoke hardware are turning print into an interactive medium. Pete Thomas explains the potential of Paper Electronics and Printed Apps

Straight to Vimeo

A new generation of documentary makers is harnessing the power of the web to break new ground in film

A true pioneer

The sudden death of Andy Cameron last month prompted a wave of tributes to a hugely influential figure

In search of new ground

Agency KesselsKramer’s new book is a call-to-arms for an advertising industry seeking change in order to renew itself

Titles that titillate

From the wholesome world of crafts to the reinvention of the sex magazine, independent publishers target all tastes

A Greek strategy

Strong exports like food and tourism could transform the Greek economy – so designers have an important role to play

The weight of the word

Words and language have long been concerns of modern art, but can the alphabet still inspire contemporary artists?

Thanks, But No Thanks

Thanks, But No Thanks was an exhibition of rejected work by designers and illustrators organised by two Kingston students, Alex Brown and Ben West. All the work was either rejected by a client or internally by the studio or illustrator, for various reasons. The work was exhibited in London during May 2012 and then auctioned […]

Enduring characters

Whether ornamental or practical, it has proved a vital weapon in the typographer’s armoury since the early days of print. Now OpenType technology offers a raft of new possibilities for this ever-adaptable format. Gavin Lucas explores the past and future of the dingbat

Welcome to my office, it’s a helicopter

Does Jason Hawkes have the best job in the world? Quite possibly. Last night, CR took to the skies in an AS355 helicopter to accompany Hawkes as he shot the almost-completed Shard, the BT tower, and the Olympic Park. Not a trip for the faint of heart, as he flies with one door open…