Degree Shows 2012 Chelsea graphic design

Chelsea College of Art’s graphic design communication show again makes good use of the campus’ Triangle Space, this year filling it with bright colours, supergraphics, film projects, and even neon lights

Cannes Grand Prix winners (so far)

The Grand Prix cateogory winners (so far) at this year’s Cannes Lions awards include top honours for R/GA, BBH London, Serviceplan Munich, and Grow Interactive…

Talent-spotters: Glasgow School of Art

In another of our regional talent-spotter blog posts, we take a look at work from the Glasgow School of Art’s Visual Communication degree show, which includes a Hollywood starlet card game, some holiday postcard inspired images, and some wry comment on art school trends…

Talent-spotters: Portsmouth photography show

The University of Portsmouth (BAHons) Photography London show is at the Rag Factory until June 24. Thanks to a rather nice catalogue they sent us, we’ve had a sneak preview and have selected some favourites.

Student wins Cannes Grand Prix for Coke

Many readers will remember an image created last year by 20 year-old Hong Kong student Jonathan Mak Long in tribute to Steve Jobs. Mak Long has now won a Cannes Grand Prix for a Coke campaign with Ogilvy & Mather in Shanghai

Come on Wazza!

A nation expects – can Wayne Rooney overcome the difficulties posed both by his suspension and his hilarious new hairstyle and pull Engalnd with him into the Euro 2012 quarter-finals? As tension mounts, Wieden + Kennedy cunningly embraces the opportunity for a spot of tactical advertising

Karlssonwilker’s free birthday conference

To celebrate their 11 (not ten, 11) years in business, NY design studio Karlssonwilker invites you to a free ‘conference’ featuring the likes of Stefan Sagmeister, Paul Sahre, Emily Oberman and James Victore

CR July 2012 issue: mmmm … dingbats

Our July issue features a book on advertising for people who don’t like advertising, the new documentary makers, our annual logo trends report and a look at the past and future of the dingbat

Degree Shows 2012 RCA Visual Communication

Last year I left the Royal College of Art show feeling disappointed: this year the Visual Communications element of the show felt similarly underwhelming, not because of the work, but because of the way it was shown…