Craig Ward’s microscopic ice trees

If no two snowflakes are ever alike, the same goes for Craig Ward’s electromagnetic ice trees. His new video for Ryan Teague’s atmospheric song, Cascades, makes for a beautiful intersection between science and art. Cascades follows the growth of intricate ice trees from the tips of electrically charged needles, along electromagnetic field lines, and finally to their eventual surrender under the force of gravity…

Vimeo Award Winners 2012

The 2012 Vimeo Awards ceremony was held last night in New York, with 13 winning films announced, chosen from over 14,000 entries. The winner of the Grand Prize was Symmetry, a sweet film directed by Everynone, which looks at moments of harmony in life, from the predictable to the unexpected.

An epic drama for AT&T

BBDO in New York has created Daybreak, a new campaign for telecommunications company AT&T, which includes a five-part drama created by the ad agency and Tim Kring that will play out in weekly episodes online.

Hat-trick puts Horniman in new bracket

South London’s intriguingly eclectic Horniman Museum and Gardens has a new mark and identity system, based on the bracket symbol, courtesy of Hat-trick

Eurostar ads in tribute to British Olympians

French ad agency Leg has created a cheeky Olympic campaign for Eurostar featuring statues of what it presumably sees as typical British athletic heroes – playing darts and snooker

Baby’s on Fire by Die Antwoord

Family dysfunction abounds in Die Antwoord’s latest video, for the track Baby on Fire, which is directed by Terence Neale and NINJA…

Staying at the Mortierbrigade Hotel

Undergraduates Jac Morton and Christopher Cryer (above) have just got back to the UK after a month long stay at the Mortierbrigade Hotel, a unique internship concept by Brussels ad agency Mortierbrigade…

The reanimated gif

Matthew DiVito’s gif animations mark him out as one of the best designers working in this burgeoning small-scale medium. We talked to him about his work to date and the hypnotic power of the looping animation

Inside the mind of the Letterpress Monster

Designer and printer Ian Gabb’s new website,, not only showcases his work, but also some of the printed ephemera he’s been collecting for a number of years, including matchbox labels, postcards, posters and records….

The perils of getting naked with Sagmeister

When Sagmeister Inc chose to announce that it had become Sagmeister & Walsh, it must have seemed like a fun and appropriate idea to update the studio’s original naked mailer with a new nude shot featuring both partners. But will it have as positive an effect on the career of Jessica Walsh as it did on that of the studio’s founder?

Mawdsley shoots The Photographers’ Gallery

Design agency North commissioned photographer Lee Mawdsley to photograph the new identity and wayfinding graphics it created for the recently reopened Photographers’ Gallery in London