Golden Gate Bridge 75th anniversary posters

On May 27 San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge celebrates its 75th anniversary. Working with the Golden Gate National Parks Conservatory, agency Goodby Silverstein & Partners has created a suitably grand poster campaign

Brand New Debris Quilt

While you would expect a conference on identity design to sport a half decent logo, the Brand New Conference has gone all out with “The Brand New Debris Quilt”. It mixes Gotham, overlays and patterns, plus an extra vital ingredient

So, you want some ketchup?

Yum Yum’s latest animated short’s focus is that troublesome bottle of tomato ketchup that no matter how much you shake it, just won’t give up the goods…

A Balloon for Britain

We are struggling through the worst depression in living memory, with a new economic crisis emerging every day. Thank goodness someone has come up with an idea to lift all our spirits and encourage regeneration – giant party balloons to be floated over our ten most deprived towns

CR June 2012 issue

The June issue of CR comes with a health warning. It contains content that readers of a nervous disposition and a love of classical typography may find disturbing. Things are going to get ugly

Rob Lowe at Kemistry Gallery

Rob Lowe aka Supermundane unveils a new direction in his forthcoming show at the Kemistry Gallery in London

Pretty Ugly or plain ugly?

Skewed, stretched type, clashing colours, too little or too much spacing – across Europe a new generation of designers and art directors is breaking every rule. But is their work rebellion for rebellion’s sake or does it have wider implications for visual communications?

ARC magazine lives!

The Royal College of Art’s ARC magazine has come back from the brink with a suitably morbid new issue funded by a Kickstarter campaign. Still shaken from its own near-death experience, this makes for a very rewarding read

Olympics ticket designs revealed

LOCOG has unveiled the ticket design s for the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Designed by Futurebrand, the tickets incorporate Someone’s pictogram designs along with images of the venues

The story of Pentagram

Pentagram Design celebrated its 40th birthday at the weekend (May 19). To mark the occasion, London partner Naresh Ramchandani created a charming film telling the story of the firm’s first four decades