When looking became seeing

When John Berger’s BBC television series Ways of Seeing was transformed into a paperback book in 1972, its design owed much to its origins on screen. Forty years on from its first publication, it remains both an influential text and a pioneering example of the visual essay

Introducing the CR iPad App

The Creative Review iPad App is (finally) here, with exclusive content and updates throughout each month for your viewing and reading pleasure

A change of heart

In Johnny Kelly’s charming spot for the US-based Chipotle restaurant chain a farmer industrialises his methods before realising the error of his ways and going back to more sustainable practices

Multiple choices

Departement’s series of video pieces make daring use of a mosaic of 35 different-sized screens installed at the Montréal Place des Arts

A serious bit of work

At around 2,000 square metres, with 180,000 letters and a £2.6m budget, Blackpool’s Comedy Carpet is graphic design on the grandest scale

For the kids

Created for a Peruvian children’s hospital built by a Dutch NGO, Rejane Dal Bello’s Paz Holandesa identity is endlessly charming

Do your bit

When it was time for Greenpeace to build a replacement for its famous ship, the Rainbow Warrior, DDB Paris came up with an idea to let everyone contribute, no matter their budget

Cost count

Users are asked to fill out an online survey to reveal their own ‘slavery footprint’ in this clever mechanism for bringing the global problem of worker exploitation home to all of us

Bet in play

AKQA’s Star Player app for Heineken adds a fun layer of gaming to the experience of watching Champions League football matches on television

Willow walker

A beautiful special edition set of bottles tells the story of Johnnie Walker’s first trip to China

Vinnie’s pump action

Cinema’s favourite footballer-turned-on-screen- hardman explains how to do hands-only CPR

Client of the year: Google

Our 2011 Client of the Year was the band Arcade Fire. Our reasoning was that they had been responsible for commissioning some of the most forward-thinking work of the year. Our choice this year is a much larger organisation, but our reasons are similar