Olympic Torch wins Design of the Year

Barber Osberby’s London 2012 Olympic Torch has won the Design Museum’s Design of the Year prize for 2012. The Nokia Pure typeface by Dalton Maag won the Graphic Award while the Digital Award went to the Microsoft Kinect

Poke’s Tweet-powered teeth

Created by Poke for Orange, a new online game gives players a chance to win a new phone and other prizes by tweeting or posting on Facebook to move a set of chattering teeth around a specially built, fully webcammed game board…

Foldvari’s vision of Dickensian London

The Museum of London has worked with agency Brothers and Sisters and illustrator David Foldvari to create Dickens’ Dark London, an iPhone and iPad app that takes the user on an illustrated journey into deepest darkest Dickensian London…

My Feelings Like You

Gary Taxali’s work champions the “accidentally beautiful” and uses a host of influences from the past to create some of the most vibrant cartooning around. His show, My Feelings Like You, opens at The Outsiders in London next week

Isn’t there a better way to buy design?

Growing numbers of designers are refusing to pitch for work. Not just unpaid pitches, any pitch at all. Pitching, they say, is bad for designers, bad for clients and produces bad work. They have a point

Hide your embarrassing literature

Illustrator Isabel Greenberg’s series of concertina Fold Out-Fold Up products are designed to cover kitchen- or bookshelf shame

New to the iPad

Since launching our iPad edition earlier this month, we’ve added plenty of new CR iPad-only content, including a feature on photographer Roger Ballen, a new short film soundtracked by Radium Audio, a closer look at the work of Pick Me Up illustrators Kristjana Williams, and Michael Kirkham, and an intricate animation, inspired by a 16th century Dutch painting…

Savoury spread fit for The Queen

Fans of the nation’s most divisive savoury spread will be able to “toast” the Queen’s 60th year at the helm by buying a special edition jar of the brown stuff…

Why Bloomberg Businessweek won at D&AD

Last week I was a judge on the Magazine and Newspaper Design category for this year’s D&AD awards. Our jury gave out one Yellow Pencil, to Bloomberg Businessweek’s special issue marking the death of Steve Jobs. Here’s why I thought it deserved the award.

Design For the Brain

The Wellcome Collection’s latest exhibition explores not what brains do to us but what we do to them – preserving, studying and collecting. The show’s design takes it cues from the materials used to do just those things

Understanding Erik

“It’s not you, it’s me…” No-one ever wants to hear that, do they? Or how about “…you are too much an individual for this agency…”? Erik Kessels suffered both of these let-downs early in his career as he told us at the first in a series of lectures organised by D&AD North. Perhaps he shouldn’t have worn a chicken suit on his first day of work.