A new vision for Microsoft

When distressed and wildly experimental typography were all the rage, Chris Ashworth made his name as an emerging UK print designer. These days, however, he is leading the creation of the Microsoft Windows Phone brand. Patrick Burgoyne reports on his new role and its connection to the introduction of a radical new design philosophy that Microsoft is adopting across its products

Personal appeal

The rise of digital media has seen subtlety replace shock in charity advertising, as agencies employ more personal approaches to engage potential donors

Revert to type

In 1991 , the emergence of new digital technologies was opening up the design of typefaces to a generation keen to push the limits of language and the very definition of what a font could be. Fuse, the experimental publication launched that year by Jon Wozencroft and Neville Brody, gave such designers a platform. As a new book brings together its 18 issues in one volume, Mark Sinclair reviews Fuse’s important, perhaps overlooked, contribution to graphic design


Artist Bryan Nash Gill creates relief prints from the cross-sections of trees which have fallen in the woods near his Connecticut studio

The monkey business

Clients want work that shifts products; creatives want to win awards. The agency’s job is to try and reconcile the two

One-click wonders

The growth of crowdsourcing websites like 99designs could mean an uncertain future for the graphic design profession

The whys & wherefores

From Ocado to Occupy, a good magazine starts out with a clear idea of its aims and readership. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Mistaken identities

Perfection is wearing thin, even in the practise of corporate identity, where many brands are turning up messy and unkempt

The Future is Now

Thunderbirds is very nearly 50 years old. People often ask what the enduring appeal of Thunderbirds is. Perhaps it’s because there’s nothing more compelling than to see someone’s life slipping away knowing there is nothing you can do to save them. Except, of course, call International Rescue

New Audi ad celebrates car brand’s heritage

BBH in London has released its latest spot for Audi. The commercial celebrates the brand’s heritage of aerodynamic technology and engineering, which, it says, has been evident in its cars since its concept vehicles of the 1920s…