Mistaken identities

Perfection is wearing thin, even in the practise of corporate identity, where many brands are turning up messy and unkempt

The Future is Now

Thunderbirds is very nearly 50 years old. People often ask what the enduring appeal of Thunderbirds is. Perhaps it’s because there’s nothing more compelling than to see someone’s life slipping away knowing there is nothing you can do to save them. Except, of course, call International Rescue

New Audi ad celebrates car brand’s heritage

BBH in London has released its latest spot for Audi. The commercial celebrates the brand’s heritage of aerodynamic technology and engineering, which, it says, has been evident in its cars since its concept vehicles of the 1920s…

How to get e.m-bed.de/d

In a new web-based video by rapper Yung Jake the process of viewing, blogging and tweeting about a new video by Yung Jake becomes the focus of the video itself. The self-referential e.m-bed.de/d is a quick-fire deconstruction of the social media game

How Channel 4’s online team works

Illustrator Jack Hudson has just completed two A0 poster commissions from Channel 4, each designed to show how a particular department functions…

Musical jellies

Raphaël Pluvinage and Marianne Cauvard’s Noisy Jelly project is a game that allows each player to build their own musical instrument out of jelly. The video for the project uses absolutely no sound editing, and needs to be seen and heard to be believed…

What you won’t be seeing in Barcelona today

There’s a general strike in Spain today which means that, among other inconveniences, design fans will be denied the chance to see Mario Eskenazi’s brilliant identity system for the city of Barcelona in action. I recently had the chance to speak to Eskanazi about a piece of work that is a daily part of city life

We will show you where the goal is

FC Magdeburg aren’t having much luck at the moment. Currently bottom of Germany’s Regionalliga Nord, they haven’t scored in five games. As a last resort their fans gave them some extra, highly visual, support during last Sunday’s match against BAK ’07

Satellites shiny silver debut

It just missed our recent record sleeves of the month post, but we thought we’d share it straight away: the silvery shiny packaging for Satellites forthcoming album release, entitled 01, on London-based label, Vesterbrother…

Nice work for Sony, HSBC, BMW and more

Lots of lovely new advertising work to share with you this week. First up is a charming spot from McCann Worldgroup, directed by Wes Anderson. The ad is for Sony Xperia smartphones, and features an eight year-old boy explaining how he imagines the phones work. Naturally it’s much more fun than the reality…

Social posters, San Francisco style

Opening this weekend at the Oakland Museum of California, All of Us or None is an exhibition of posters that have been used in campaigns for social issues from the 1960s to the present day

More paper toy making fun at Pick Me Up

Last Friday afternoon CR hosted a paper toy making workshop at the Pick Me Up graphic art fair currently running in Somerset House. It was so popular, we’ve been asked back again by the organisers to host some more paper toy-making fun…