Free speech, hands-free

The Free Speech Exerciser Bib is a wearable protest sign made from a Tyvek envelope, designed by Paradoxy Products’ Daniel Young. Simply add your own message to the front, cut to fit and wear

A timely identity for Grand Central’s 100th year

Pentagram has designed the logo for next year’s 100th anniversary of Grand Central Terminal in New York, based on the Tiffany clock above the information desk and informal meeting point. The time shown provides the “ah” moment of the identity

Great New Music Videos

We have a great selection of new promos to share with you this month, kicking off with this beautiful new video for Keaton Henson, which is set in a handcrafted forest, inhabited by puppet wild animals…

After School Club posters

After School Club is a free week-long graphic design festival opening next month at the University of Art and Design in Offenbach, Germany organised by designer Alexander Lis and Eike König of studio Hort

Imagine with Lego

German ad agency Jung von Matt has created this charming print campaign to advertise Lego. The ads feature minimalist interpretations of some of our best-loved cartoon characters, all created with blocks of Lego: can you guess who’s who?

New stamps honour comic icons

The Royal Mail has issued ten new stamps celebrating some of the best-known characters from British comics. The stamps are timed to coincide with the 75th anniversary of The Dandy

Blackpool council destroys section of Comedy Carpet

Artist Gordon Young and designer Andy Altmann say they are “shocked, dismayed and extremely angry” to learn that Blackpool Council has removed a section of The Comedy Carpet, the enormous, award-winning typographical artwork created for the town’s seafront.

Daniel Johnston’s Space Ducks

Musician and artist Daniel Johnston has released a new comic book, iPad app and album, all based on an epic narrative, titled Space Ducks.

Selfridges’ new short film project

To celebrate the launch of its new Women’s Designer Galleries, Selfridges has commissioned a collection of short films, which are being shown at an exhibition in The Old Selfridges Hotel…

Bob Gill on how to have a good idea

Last week D&AD held a President’s Lecture in London that brought together three greats of the creative industries: Bob Gill, Sir Alan Parker and Lord David Puttnam, to talk about their early careers in advertising and the founding of D&AD (which is 50 years old this year).

Dublin’s inspirational OFFSET festival 2012

Summarising a design conference as rich as last weekend’s OFFSET in Dublin in a single blog post is something of a tall order. Speakers included Stefan Sagmeister, Seymour Chwast, Von, and Friends With You – and that was just day one…

The Art & Sole Cortez iD project

To mark the release of a new “mini-edition” of publisher Laurence King’s 2008 sneaker-focused title Art & Sole: Contemporary Sneaker Design, the book’s author has teamed up with Nike and four visual artists to create The Art & Sole Cortez iD project…