The type will set you free

Designed by Ryan Atkinson, Hype For Type’s new litho-printed magazine also doubles up as a set of four typographic posters and a call to arms to designers to revolt against dull design…

The Gunn Report 2011 Results

The numbers have all been crunched and the Gunn Report for 2011 has been released. The report combines the results of all the significant advertising award schemes around the world, to identify the most successful agencies, campaigns and clients each year. What is clear from the 2011 results is that it was a pretty good year for the Wieden + Kennedy network….

Rapid Proto Type

Arkitypo is a collaborative research project between Ravensbourne and design studio johnson banks that aims to push the limits of rapid prototyping technology in the creation of a 3D alphabet

John Whitney, Catalog, 1961

Namechecked on butdoesitfloat and boingboing earlier today, this 1961 reel from motion graphics pioneer John Whitney is well worth a look. Whitney’s home-built analogue computer famously made use of parts from an anti-aircraft gun sight

Airside: everything must go!

As we reported in November last year, Airside is shutting up shop. Now the studio is planning to sell loads of its work, from prints and canvases that have been hanging up or stored in the studio’s Islington studio…

Interbrand’s spot of Cloak & Dagger

If you’ve ever been lucky enough to be approached by a headhunter it’s probably not something you’d want people at your present employ knowing about. Interbrand Australia have played on the secretive ways of creative recruitment in a new identity for Sydney-based Chantal Manning-Knight.

The Sunday Times Magazine at 50

To mark its 50th anniversary, this weekend’s Sunday Times Magazine cover will feature an image of an installation (created by CG specialist Taylor James) of over 100 magazines hanging on wires to form the number 50…

How our February cover was made

We’ve had a few people asking whether our February cover was done ‘for real’ or the result of Photoshop trickery. Illustrator Miles Donovan explains how he put it all together

Wordplay in Selfridges’ windows

Selfridges windows on London’s Oxford Street are currently showing a crop of illustration and design talent with work by Nuha Razik, Becky Sloan, William Richard Green – plus a series curated by It’s Nice That – on display

I Fink U Freeky video by Roger Ballen

Photographer Roger Ballen, renowned for his powerful and controversial images of marginalised figures in South Africa, has directed a music video for band Die Antwoord, for new track I Fink U Freeky. The promo features Ballen’s typical aesthetic and is striking stuff…