VW: The Dog Strikes Back

Volkswagen is the latest brand to pre-release its Super Bowl commercial online. Clearly hoping to maximise on its success last year with its Star Wars-themed ad, for the 2012 game the brand has turned to a dog to provide the cutesy appeal that will get people sharing the spot…

Heineken Wants To Serenade You

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and if you’ve been racking your brains for how you might approach your dream lover, Heineken may just have the answer…

Setting poetry to music

For the cover of Faber’s landmark edition of The Complete Poems of Philip Larkin, designer Mark Swan played down the poet’s typically austere image by referencing his love of jazz. The result is a beautiful tribute to Larkin’s work

BBC unveils redesigned Sport site

BBC Sport has unveiled a new-look, and very yellow, website which aims to put video content to the fore and align the Sport department with the BBC’s overall visual language