Giant pink paper hearse alert

New York designer Paul Sahre has brought his sleeve artwork for They Might Be Giants to life on a grand scale with a video featuring a gigantic pink paper hearse. And you can make your own

Hyland makes his mark

Anyone going along to Pentagram partner Angus Hyland’s Typographic Circle talk tonight can look forward to an added bonus: Hyland will be giving away some rather beautiful posters designed for the occasion

D&AD 50: Time & Place, 1969

To mark its 50th birthday, D&AD is delving into its archive to highlight significant pieces of work that have featured in the awards. CR will be publishing one a week. This week we have a groovy club identity created by one of the great, but perhaps now neglected, names of British graphic design, Negus & Negus

Photo50: The New Alchemists

At a time when many are mourning the demise of film and traditional photography techniques, an exhibition at this year’s London Art Fair, Photo50, introduces a group of artists who are experimenting with analogue in new and unexpected ways…

Olympics-inspired graphic fun

Two self initiated, Olympics-inspired projects arrived at CR towers this week. First up is hat-trick’s tiny Olympic Non-Events book which sees Otl Aicher-like icons created to illustrate various well known metaphorical phrases…

SOPA: friend or foe to the creative community?

Websites across the world went ‘dark’ yesterday in protest over SOPA and PIPA, two pieces of legislation that many believe will fatally damage the free and open internet. As both creators and consumers of content, where do CR readers stand on the issue of copyright online?

Want a Steve Jobs doll? Buyer beware

Illustrator Karen Caldicott created a portrait of Steve Jobs in her trademark clay style for Fortune Magazine in 2007. Imagine her surprise when she recently found her image being used to advertise a Jobs figure for sale on eBay: one which bears little resemblance to her original

A conference for the North

Co-founder of Troika Conny Freyer, Matt Clark of United Visual Artists and Designers Republic’s Ian Anderson lead a strong line-up of speakers for Made North, a design conference at FACT in Liverpool

FWA Site of the Year Winners Announced

The votes have been counted and verified, and we can now reveal that the winner of the FWA Site of the Year Award for 2011 is… The Museum of Me for Intel.

The Good Times is here

The Good Times is The Church of London’s response to the January blues and the result of a week-long project to write, design and print a one-off newspaper which celebrates only good news

Designer kitchens

Carl Kleiner photographed the ingredients for Ikea’s Homebaked is Best recipe book in 2010. His latest work for the brand’s kitchenware revisits the same minimalist, if slightly obsessive, aesthetic

Random acts of design

The Random Project 2012 invites everyone to design a postcard relating to an aspect of London, the Olympics or 2012. Each participant will be sent a randomly generated word which they have to respond to