CR’s Advertising Picks of the Year

As the year draws to an end, we’ve been reflecting on our favourite ad campaigns of 2011. Despite the global financial gloom, there’s been some excellent work produced this year, so here, in no particular order, are our ten picks of 2011…

The Wire: Sleeves Received

The Wire’s Sleeves Received Tumblr brings together the most interesting sleeve design from new releases sent in to the magazine’s office. As our special music issue’s Monograph features some of the best cassette art from the website, here are a few more highlights from The Wire’s progressive post bag

More Christmas Post

Christmas is a time for giving and sharing, and is also an opportunity for ad agencies to compete to create the most inventive Christmas messages. Here’s some of our favourites so far this year…

Illustrating the benefits of Nokia tech

Seven young illustrators have contributed to a short film on the benefits of mobile technology made for Nokia by Build. In an accompanying extra film, the illustrators talk about their craft

Cultural figures

British designer Jon Daniel’s collection of African American action figures includes Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali and a coveted 1975 Super Agent Slade toy. Here, he explains what led him to look to the US for cultural inspiration and to start collecting

Frode Skaren: From Norwegian wood to CR cover

The January issue of CR features a cover by Norwegian illustrator Frode Skaren. We thought you’d like to see some more of his work which includes characters for Oslo’s dangerously delicious Illegal Burger

Daniel Eatock’s felt-tip prints

One of the highlights of the Walker Art Center’s Graphic Design: Now in production show is Daniel Eatock’s installation in which images are ‘automatically’ created by upturned marker pens. Here, he explains the process

St Jude’s Random Spectacular

Random Spectacular is a new oversize 240 x 350mm 104 page journal created by St. Jude’s, a textile design company based in Norfolk and Scotland run by Angie and Simon Lewin who also run a printmaking gallery online at…

Design Assembly: the book of the site

After three years of publishing, the Design Assembly website has closed but a selection of its finer moments have been preserved by founder Matt Judge in 3, an innovative three-part book that also features specially-commissioned essays from various design luminaries

Behind the scenes of Black Mirror

Here at CR we’ve been enjoying Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror on Channel 4. We caught up with Joel Collins of Painting Practice, responsible for the production design, motion graphics, visual effects and the title sequence on the series…

Nice work for CADD, Aardman, BBC and more

Lots of lovely ads and music videos to share with you this week. We begin on a sombre note though, with a series of posters for CADD from JWT London that warn of the perils of drinking and driving this Christmas…