Noel Myles’ Suffolk

Painter-turned-photographer Noel Myles has spent the last 15 years documenting the East Anglian countryside in a series of beautiful images made up of dozens of individual shots

Made by Alison Carmichael

UK-based hand-lettering artist Alison Carmichael has just (this afternoon) launched a new range of Made by Alision Carmichael printed products including boxes of gift tags such as the one shown above…

CR in Liverpool: Russell Reid

This month’s issue of CR features a survey of Liverpool’s thriving independent creative scene. We’re going to show more work from some of those featured here on the blog. Next up: Russell Reid, the designer of this month’s cover

Christmas post

Nuns for your tree, rapid prototype chocolate treats and QR code wrapping paper: just some of the Yuletide-themed ideas received at CR this year

CR in Liverpool: Framedink

This month’s issue of CR features a survey of Liverpool’s thriving independent creative scene. We’re going to show more work from some of those featured here on the blog. Next up: Framedink

Exhibition: The Haunts of the Poets

Middlesex University’s third year Illustration students (and staff) have created new work in response to the places that renowned poets have lived, boozed, loved and died in. The artworks are being exhibited, appropriately enough, at London’s Poetry Café until December 21…

CR in Liverpool: Cat and Fox Adventures

This month’s issue of CR features a survey of Liverpool’s thriving independent creative scene. We’re going to show more work from some of those featured here on the blog. Next up: Cat and Fox Adventures

The Illustrated Alphabet

The Small Print has just unveiled its latest project, The Illustrated Alphabet, for which it approached 26 of illustrators from around the world to each create an illustrated letter of the alphabet plus another artwork inspired by their particular letter…

Designed to kill

The Design Museum has announced the addition of 13 more design ‘classics’ to its collection, one of which is the world’s most prolific killing machine, the Kalashnikov AK-47 automatic rifle

CR in Liverpool: Horse

This month’s issue of CR features a survey of Liverpool’s thriving independent creative scene. We’re going to show more work from some of those featured here on the blog, beginning with illustrator and designer Horse

Epica 2011 grand prix winners

The UK won a very respectable 37 awards at this year’s Epica Awards – including a grand prix for this Landrover Defender poster by Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R…