John Ross

Traditional photograms are made by placing objects directly onto photographic paper. For CR’s cover this month, John Ross has updated the idea by using the digital back of the camera, the ‘chip’ itself, to create a series of intriguing images themed around the letter ‘P’. “Unlike the traditional film method that uses negative film, the […]


To say that Portuguese artist Alexandre Farto aka Vhils uses the street as his canvas is something of an understatement. Rather, he rips, blasts and drills into it to create his portraits from the urban decay. His first, self-titled book is out now from Gestalten, priced £37.50. Detail from Scratching the Surface, Cali, Colombia, 2010, […]

Saul Bass, a life in pictures

Published in November 2011, Saul Bass: A Life in Film & Design by Jennifer Bass and Pat Kirkham was the first book about the career of the legendary designer. On its release Rick Poynor looked back at Bass’ work

It’s a fiction, an addiction

Visiting the Victoria and Albert Museum’s autumn blockbuster exhibition, Post­modernism: Style and Subversion, 1970–1990, I had a minor epiphany in front of a chest of drawers. In 1978 Alessandro Mendini arranged to have an Art Deco cabinet decorated with a copy of an abstract painting by Wassily Kandinsky from the 1920s and an angular mirror […]

The nation of shopkeepers

As the UK high street fights for survival, local councils are turning to artists and designers to help bring vital reinvestment, writes James Pallister