From the factory floor

Photographer Chris Coekin’s new project mixes still life, staged portraiture and field recordings to convey the working life of a British wire factory

Design on demand

The BBC’s iPlayer iPad app has been launched as a video-on-demand service in 11 countries. Head of design Duncan Swain explains the concept to Patrick Burgoyne

Branding the art world

Once deemed a dirty word in gallery circles, a competitive art market is increasingly embracing the brand. By Eliza Williams


CR commissioned designer and imagemaker Trevor Jackson to create a series of images using a digital SLR. The commission was for a project that was unfortunately cancelled but we thought you’d like to see one of the results anyway. In creating the images, Jackson says that he became “increasingly fascinated with the flash reflections appearing […]

Ideas that do

In 2006, Guerrilla Advertising by CR’s own Gavin Lucas documented the arrival of a new crossbreed of advertising and PR. With the publication of the book’s sequel, Lucas discusses such work’s role in creativity today with some leading practitioners

Riots and responsibility: guilt touches an icy adman’s heart

There was a cartoon in the Observer, the weekend after the August riots, that showed a procession of kids, hooded like the Nazgûls from the Lord of the Rings, carrying looted PlayStations and flat-screen TVs through a burning street. Leading them was a piper, also hooded, wearing a sandwich board saying ‘consumerism’. It stopped me […]


Jake Barton and his Local Projects team are months away from the launch of a career-defining project: the design of the exhibits for the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Helen Walters meets him in New York

Technology can save us, if we let it

In putting social and political work at the heart of this year’s festival, Ars Electronica showed how technology can help to change the world

Android, not built by robots

Thanks to the explosive growth of the smartphone market, Google’s Android logo is becoming ubiquitous – it’s another example of the successful ‘five-minute icon’

Keep on wrestling with inspiration

In an extract from his new blog, which charts the experiences of a freelance illustrator, Ben Tallon considers what gets him out of bed during a recession

Race, revenue and representation

The lack of minority voices in advertising and design is still cause for concern, but the industry needs to examine its past in order to change the present