CR/Blurb Bursary: Tom Darracott, Kiss Kiss book

Tom Darracott recently became the first recipient of our bursary award set up with Blurb. His resulting project, the hypnotic film Kiss Kiss, now forms the basis of book which is available to buy at

Nokia Gulp short film

Wieden + Kennedy London is on something of a roll this week, first releasing the new Cravendale spot and now this new short film for Nokia. Titled Gulp, it is shot entirely on the Nokia N8 phone and has just set a Guinness World Record for the ‘World’s Largest Stop-Motion Animation Set’.

New Will Self book covers

Greg Heinimann at Bloomsbury has designed a series of new covers for author Will Self’s backlist, to coincide with the release of the paperback edition of his latest book, Walking to Hollywood

McBess at The Book Club

Opening tomorrow at The Book Club in London is The Folding Knife, an exhibition of new works by French illustrator McBess…

This Unfolds at Ffotogallery

Bringing together seven emerging photographic artists from Welsh universities, This Unfolds is the third exhibition of work in Ffotogallery’s Wish You Were Here season

Milk Me Brian

Wieden + Kennedy London has released its latest cinema spot for Cravendale Milk, which ponders the question, ‘who first thought to milk a cow?’

Unit9’s Hoxton Window Project

Since the beginning of this year, Unit9 has been inviting visual artists to use their office windows in London’s Hoxton Square to showcase their work and (hopefully) inspire the local community. The latest artist to take part in the project is Simon Spilsbury…


For at least a year, we’ve received the occasional artwork or print in the post from a design studio in Gloucestershire by the name of onepointoh. It turns out it’s a small operation run by Stephen Allen out of a studio at the bottom of his garden…

A particularly animated argument

Intelligence Squared is a global debating forum that invites leading intellectual figures to discuss contemporary issues. They’ve just released their first iq2 Short, an animated version of a debate that took place between Ann Widdecombe and Stephen Fry over the motion ‘The Catholic church is a force for good in the world’

Adam Buxton sends up making-of film

Comedian Adam Buxton has created this brilliant send-up of the ubiquitous behind-the-scenes videos that accompany all interactive projects (and most ads) nowadays…

Popshot’s new online print shop

Popshot, the bi-annual magazine that combines contemporary poetry with illustration, has just launched an online print shop. Visitors can browse a selection of prints featuring images by the likes of Sam Green, Tom Hovey (his image shown above), and Esra Røise

New OK Go interactive video

OK Go return with another experimental music video for new track All Is Not Lost, this time created in collaboration with modern dance company Pilobolus.