UVA’s High Arctic documents disappearing world

UVA’s High Arctic installation at the National Maritime Museum in Greenwich invites visitors to explore the disappearing landscape of the frozen north: one of three new digital works at the museum that also include projects from The Light Surgeons and Kin

Falcon Enamelware’s rebrand and packaging

I’m usually hungry by mid morning on a Monday, and a set of photographs showing off British kitchenware brand Falcon’s fresh rebrand – a collaboration between designers Kiwi&Pom and Morse Studio – really isn’t helping things…

Toyota Backseat Driver

With the summer holidays approaching and long drives ahead parents may like to check out a new app from Toyota in which, thanks to GPS, kids in the backseat can drive along with what’s happening up front

New Audi ads focus on the details

Back in May, BBH London released an epic two-minute ad for Audi exploring the Le Mans driving experience. Now the agency returns with a series of much shorter spots for the car brand – five ten-second animated ads that aim to express how much good stuff is squeezed into the small Audi A1…

CR Illustration Annual on Flickr

The current issue of CR features all the selected work in our Illustration Annual. But we have now made all the entered work available to view as well

Will Twitter kill the focus group?

Ad agency creatives and designers have long bemoaned the influence of focus group research on their work. But perhaps those days will soon be gone

Julia art directs Elephant

London-based design studio Julia has recently completed a rehaul of the art direction of visual culture magazine Elephant, designing a bespoke typeface in the process…

Trollbäck’s TED conference opening titles

Trollbäck + Company’s titles for the 2011 TED conference in Edinburgh feature everyday objects, some as big as a plane, some as small as a microbe all rendered as black, shiny 3d shapes that build up in the animation, giving the viewer a shifting cross-seciton view of each object…

Soviet Telegraph Agency posters

As an extension to its exhibition of Soviet TASS news agency posters from World War II, the Art Institute of Chicago has launched a Tumblr that will update daily with examples of these handmade propaganda efforts

Lot Lot festival posters

Behold the flame-headed man versus the robot and the mad scientist: just a few of the details in a series of escapist posters designed for electronic music festival, Lot Lot