Freaks and Geeks

Philadelphia-based illustrator Andy Rementer owes as much to nurturing employers as to his graphic design background

Colors at 20: time

Benetton’s Colors magazine was born in 1991. As it grew up, it shocked, provoked and charmed, but now it’s just mildly interesting

Location, location, location

The ubiquity of smart phones means that, finally, location-based services are going to have their moment. If we can make them a bit more exciting

Charity Prints

Designers for Japan is a collective of designers, photographers, art directors and imagemakers from around the world. Its aims are to offer support to peers, colleagues and friends in Japan, aid disaster relief and to act as a forum for anyone wishing to look at how visual communications can help in future disasters, wherever they may be.

Nike: The Film Room – R/GA – 24.061

At the inaugural World Basketball Festival, a four-day celebration of the performance and culture of the game held at Harlem’s famous Rucker Park, Nike let kids practice and learn signature moves from NBA pros. Players Kevin Durant, Rudy Gay, Andre Iguodala, and Deron Williams were on site at the specially-built Film Room to improve the children’s technique.

Nike + GPS – R/GA – 6.012

The Nike+ platform was expanded upon by agency R/GA with the launch of the Nike+ GPS app which enables runners to track and log their progress and broadcast the data via Facebook. As useful as this sounds, there were some additional elements to the new app that made the whole experience more personal.

Going, Going, Gone Red! – The Partners – 17.08

To help raise money for London’s children’s hospice, Richard House, The Partners collaborated with over 100 of Britain’s top illustrators in an unusual project based around the parlour game ‘exquisite corpse’, which invites players to create a section of a drawing before passing it onto others to complete.