CR for CR

This Red Nose Day – that’s March 18 for anyone not paying attention – and for the days leading up to it we’re going to harness the power of the mighty CR Blog and our Twitter followers to help raise as much money as we can for Comic Relief.

Flashman’s animated proposition

We showcased the screenprinted CD packaging for Fred Deakin (Lemon Jelly) and Robin Jones (Beta Band, The Aliens) new collaborative project, Flashman only a few weeks ago. Now their first animated promo, for the digital single The Proposition, is ready to view…

Nice work for Richard House, Nokia, McDonald’s and more

Lots of lovely work to share with you this week. First up is a great fundraising website for children’s hospice Richard House in London. Designed by The Partners, the site allows visitors to create a unique ‘exquisite corpse’ print using drawings by 120 of the UK’s top illustrators…

Good old fashioned romance: not dead

Marking the 100th anniversary of International Women’s Day, new show The W Project features a wealth of work by female creatives including this marvellous series of restaged Mills & Boon covers by Alex Holder

Organise your desktop with Ikea

Hungarian ad agency Laboratory Ideas have come up with a nifty desktop app that allows you to organise your computer as if it were a set of Ikea shelves

Swapping bodies at the Barbican

Chris O’Shea unveiled a new interactive installation at the Barbican in London at the weekend that enabled visitors to swap their bodies with their friends and then control their movements

James Jarvis Colouring Book

Illustrator James Jarvis has just published a colouring book through publisher of many a beautiful zine, Nieves…

The Voiceless Campaign for The Zimbabwean

A new advertising campaign for The Zimbabwean highlights the newspaper’s role in giving a voice to the people of Zimbabwe. The posters feature images taken by photojournalists who had worked in the country over the last two years

CR Survey: inspiration

We’re knee-deep in research for our upcoming Top 20 logos issue and one of the things that has struck us so far is just how many of them were dreamed up when their designer was doing something else: travelling, playing cards, walking round an exhibition etc. So we wondered where and when you get your best ideas

How Trainspotting’s poster campaign was made

The black, white and orange posters for Danny Boyle’s Trainspotting perfectly captured the film’s energy and grittiness. Twenty years on from their release, and with Trainspotting 2 out this week, we revisit our 2011 interview with the campaign’s designers, Mark Blamire and Rob O’Connor