Nice work for Greenpeace, Yota, Nike, VW and more

We’ve had lots of lovely ad campaigns sent into CR Towers lately, here’s some of our favourites. First up is a new website for Greenpeace, created by DDB Paris, which asks visitors to purchase a piece of the new Rainbow Warrior ship.

Bristol’s Media Sandbox 2010 projects are revealed

Now in its third year, Bristol’s Media Sandbox scheme supports digital innovation in the South West of England by awarding generous grants to creative and technology companies. On Friday the fruits of last year’s seven £10,000 grants were revealed…

Things To Make & Do at Glug

The latest edition of Glug, the “creative drinks and notworking event”, takes place at Cargo in London this Thursday night. It is hosted by Arts & Business, and is themed ‘Things To Make & Do’…

Stanley Donwood: Work on Paper

Stanley Donwood’s solo show at Outsiders gallery in London, which opened yesterday, offers a first glimpse of some of the artwork he’s created for the new Radiohead album, The King of Limbs…

Radiohead: Lotus Flower video

Accompanying the news that Radiohead’s new album, The King of Limbs, is actually available to download from today instead of tomorrow, a video for new single Lotus Flower appeared on the band’s YouTube channel earlier

First-Stop towards a paperless studio

Frustrated by the weekly onslaught of mailers from photographers and illustrators, a group of US ad creatives have set up an online alternative

Penguin Great Food: a sneak peek

Penguin is due to release its next big themed series in April. This time the focus is on Great Food with covers based on ceramic styles

Trevor Jackson at KK Outlet

This is one of a new series of photographic and video works by Trevor Jackson that comprise the graphic designer, music producer and DJ’s first solo show of non commercial work…

A parting gift to Barcelona

When it came time for Lucas Jatobá to leave Barcelona for a new life in Australia, he decided to say thank you to the city and its people that he had enjoyed so much

For geniuses everywhere

It’s a temptation that has proved beyond the resistance of many ad creatives: trawling through old awards annuals for ideas to steal. This year’s One Show Annual makes the process a whole lot easier