Skin Flicks Says Hello

New production company Skin Flicks has released a couple of short self-promotional films that are most amusing…

Snowboards and smartphones

Push Snowboarding and Burton are attempting to redefine competitive snowboarding with a run analysis system built around the Nokia N8 smartphone…

David O’Reilly’s The External World

David O’Reilly’s incredible animation The External World is a seriously dark but occasionally funny meditation on the anxieties and fears entrenched in modern life.

Isn’t it tweet?

Orange is turning people’s Tweets into little animated love stories for Valentine’s Day. Altogether now, “Ahhh…”

Mulberry says it with (digital) flowers

Fans of luxury goods brand Mulberry can send their loved one a unique gift this Valentine’s day – generative digital flowers that grow before their eyes

The Feltron 2010 Annual Report

For the past five years, graphic designer Nicholas Felton has been documenting the minutiae of his life via infographics in the Feltron Annual Reports. This year’s Report, however, switches focus to the remarkable life of Felton’s father

J R Hartley Reimagined

Dabbling in nostalgia can be a risky advertising strategy, as this new spot for Yell from Rapier proves…

CR Type Annual: the winners

Typefaces for schools, tattooists, magazines and museums all feature in our first Type Annual, with winning designs from as far afield as Chile, New Zealand, Argentina and Israel

My Bloody Valentine

Illustrator and animator Elliott Quince has taken the rather unusual route of expressing Valentine’s Day sentiment with a series of new illustrations of love crazed zombies, suitably gouged via the medium of linocut…

Super Bowl Ad Round-up

The Super Bowl is a rare thing in today’s advertising landscape: a TV event with a massive guaranteed audience. Brands and agencies therefore pull out all the stops for the show’s ad breaks, and pay handsomely for the privilege of appearing in them: a 30-second spot cost $3 million this year, apparently. Here’s CR’s round up of the best ads shown during yesterday’s game.

Nice work for Nike, Skittles, Lynx, Virgin Media and more…

Lots more lovely new advertising work to share with you this week. We begin with the first of two new Nike ads from Wieden + Kennedy. This one, for the new CTR 360 boot, stars Barcelona midfield maestro Andrés Iniesta and features immersive surround sound, best experienced via headphones…