Fashionably graphic

New book Graphic Design For Fashion probes the curious relationship between the graphic designer and the fashion world, articulated through branding, packaging, look books and invitations

Rio 2016 Olympics logo: a closer look

Yesterday we posted a story on the furore surrounding the logo for the Rio 2016 Olympics, which was unveiled on New Year’s Eve. Today we take a closer look at the work itself.

New Skins trailer from E4

E4 has built a reputation for creating epic trailers for each new series of teen drama show Skins. Usually these contain enough sex, drugs and general yoof antics to make anyone over the age of 25 feel a bit fusty, but for series 5 they have taken a more enigmatic approach…

Rio 2016 unveils logo

Nothing like a good logo controversy to kick off the New Year: the emblem for the 2016 Rio Olympics was unveiled on New Year’s Eve and immediately ran into accusations of plagiarism

Obama PEZ; Franz Xaver Messerschmidt

A new exhibition at London’s Halcyon Gallery sees Mauro Perucchetti reimagine the US head of state as a PEZ dispenser, while Franz Xaver Messerschmidt personal sculptures are part of New York’s Neue Galerie’s retrospective of his work…

Laura Pannack

There’s a lot of trust imbued in Laura Pannack’s photographs. Her subjects, often young people and teen­agers, are depicted in quiet contemplative moments, seemingly giving little away.

Caroline Robert

Caroline Robert took an unusual route into graphic design: via mathematics. “I’m a former scientist,” she says. “I got my degree in mathematics but at that time I was really into photography so I decided to re-orient in graphic arts.”

Paul Kamuf

Every now and then at CR we come across a new piece of creative work that makes us all smile.

Chris Gray

For a 26 year-old, Chris Gray has an impressive number of strings to his bow.