Marek Bereza

Marek Bereza was born in 1982, in London. After originally studying computer science at UCL and working in the computer industry for six years, he took a double Masters in industrial design engineering at the RCA, graduating in 2008.

A matter of life and death

Searching for the truth in Andrej Krementschouk’s new book is hard work but the process makes us question what we want from photography

Why two screens are better than one

2-screen is ‘social TV’; telly plus social media, or watching TV on one screen and chatting online on another at the same time. It’s something a lot of us are doing already via Facebook message threads or Twitter, while watching programmes like X Factor or live sporting events.

More Christmas fun for everyone!

The Christmassy treats keep on flooding into CR Towers. Here are some more of the inventive ways that designers and ad agencies are promoting themselves this festive season… First up is illustrator James Majowski’s take on Santa, which he calls ‘On the origin of Christmas’.

Google AdWords says Thank You

To mark the tenth anniversary of its flagship advertising product AdWords, Google created a film that could be customised to say thank you to each and every one of its advertisers…

David Carson covers Little White Lies and Huck

With Huck and Little White Lies magazines both part of The Church of London stable, it’s a tradition that the covers of last two issues of the year have a visual relationship to one another. This year the link between them is that divisive figure of graphic design, David Carson

FWA needs your vote

The FWA website has compiled its 12 favourite sites of the year, and is inviting you to pick your overall favourite in its People’s Choice Award.

Print Club London’s Blisters Blackout show re-opens

If you missed Print Club London’s recent Blisters Blackout exhibition – which featured 40 screenprints, each by a different artist, and each incorporating phosphorescent (glow-in-the-dark) ink – then don’t worry. Because all the work from the show is now up in Print Club London’s Brick Lane shop and gallery…