A birthday present for Godard

Today is Jean-Luc Godard’s 80th birthday. To honour their hero, design studio Atelier Carvalho Bernau has created the Jean-Luc typeface which is available for free from their website

Art Pays For Free

The Do Lectures is an inspirational weeked of talks set up by the people behind Howies. For those who can’t get to the event, Do have been screening the talks for free online, the costs of which they now hope to cover from sales of original prints

A Copa Das Pessoas

It’s decision day for the hosting of the 2018 World Cup, but we thought we’d show you a project to tie in with the 2014 event, to be held in Brazil, with some beautiful graphics courtesy of Siggi Eggertsson

Celebrities suffer digital death for World Aids Day

To draw attention to World Aids Day, which takes place today, a number of US celebrities have sacrificed their digital lives and abandoned their Twitter and Facebook accounts. They will remain offline until fans buy them back, by raising $1 million for the Aids charity Keep A Child Alive…

The new faces of Pentagram: Eddie Opara

Its unique business model requires a constant stream of new blood, so the fact that two partners are joining Pentagram — one in New York and one in London — is not in itself remarkable. But Naresh Ramchandani and Eddie Opara represent more than just the next illustrious names to sign up with probably the world’s most highly regarded design group…

The new faces of Pentagram: Naresh Ramchandani

Its unique business model requires a constant stream of new blood, so the fact that two partners are joining Pentagram — one in New York and one in London — is not in itself remarkable. But Naresh Ramchandani and Eddie Opara represent more than just the next illustrious names to sign up with probably the world’s most highly regarded design group…

Controlling the conversation

Recent muddled brushes with social media by BT and Gap show how careful brands must be when conversing with their customers…

Kaboom! Fireworks and the War on Terror

A few weeks before Bonfire Night, a series of posters appeared in the windows of my local newsagents advertising Bright Star’s latest range of fireworks. Unusually, there wasn’t a rocket or catherine wheel in sight. Instead the boxes (right) resembled macho Airfix kits: there were the Desert Storm and Fire in the Hole sets, the […]


At an imposing 50ft by 30ft it has the dimensions of a huge advertising billboard, yet Non Sign II promotes nothing but the beauty of North American skies. Sited in Blaine, Washington, on the US-Canada border, the sculpture is the work of Seattle-based Lead Pencil Studio and is made entirely of blackened steel rods. The […]