U&lc lives

1974 was the year of Watergate, an Oscar for Godfather Part II and the first issue of U&lc magazine. Now Monotype Imaging is making scans of ‘the most important typographic publication of its time’ available to download for free

Seb Lester’s Stars

As well as designing three new limited edition screenprints which are available from his website as of this morning, type designer and illustrator Seb Lester has also made a short film to help promote one of the prints in particular, called Stars…

Stick insects

Brighton-based designer Kyle Bean has created some remarkable matchstick craftwork…

A Star Wars-tastic music video

Self-taught animator and filmmaker Eric Power created this lovely animated music video for Tatooine by Jeremy Messersmith that sees the original Star Wars trilogy retold in just two minutes and 40 seconds…

Glazer’s Last Tango in Compton

Jonathan Glazer doesn’t shoot many ads, and when he does, it’s usually a big deal. Think Guinness Surfer, Sony Paint. His latest spot, written by DDB UK, features a young couple doing the Tango. To a soundtrack of West Coast Hip Hop track (Don’t Stop by Roc C). To advertise a small, German car…

Balloonacy 2010

Hold on to your virtual hat, it’s time for another round of Balloonacy, the online game devised by Poke for mobile network company Orange that sees hundreds of competitors race digital balloons across internet pages…

Musicians take to the skies for Air France

Last week Parisian agency BETC Euro RSCG presented three music acts with an unusual challenge: to write and record a song during an Air France flight between Paris and Tokyo…

The BRIT Awards: rebranded by Music

Manchester-based design studio Music’s rebranding of The BRIT Awards sees the introduction of a new visual identity and a new concept for the BRIT trophies…

Battlespace: Unrealities of War

Opening today at Great Western Studios in London is Battlespace, an exhibition of photographs that aims to present an ‘unsantised view’ of the recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. As such, some of the images in this post may be distressing.

Can you draw the internet?

To coincide with Internet Week Europe, ad agency Saint is pitting the creative industry against a bunch of 9 year-old kids, to find out who’s the more creative. The challenge? Can you draw the internet?

What Makes Your Day?

It’s a miserable day outside the windows of CR Towers so we thought you might like something to cheer you up: What Makes Your Day? a short film on happiness by Kingston University animation student Napatsawan Chirayukool