A newspaper for today?

The Independent launches i today, its new daily newspaper “designed for people with busy, modern lives”. But regardless of who it’s aimed at, what is it for, exactly?

New Anthony Burrill print: Oil & Water Don’t Mix

For a project cooked up by media agency Happiness Brussels, Anthony Burrill has designed a limited edition poster made using leaked BP oil harvested from the beaches of Grand Isle, Louisiana. All the money made from the sale of the 200 signed and editioned prints will go to the Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana…

Lemmy slows the pace for Kronenbourg

BBH London is behind this new TV spot for Kronenbourg, which features Motörhead performing a slowed-down version of Ace of Spades in a French bar…

New Era XC: Putting your creative thinking hat on

It may not be glaringly obvious, but this is, in fact, a New Era baseball style cap – designed by student Craig Green in response to a competition by the hat brand to create “a uniquely creative expression in headwear design”…

Landfill Editions & Manymono at OPEN Studio

Hugh Frost is one of the founders of OPEN Studio (which is featured in our November 2010 issue). In this CRTV film we take a look inside the studio, and at Frost’s individual practice, publishing company Landfill Editions…

The view from above

Created for her MFA in design technology at San Francisco Art Institute, Jenny Odell’s Satellite Collection offers a new perspective on the world using Google’s omnipresent photography. Above, for example, is her assemblage of 125 swimming pools

Nice work for Nokia, Penguin, Adidas, Benylin and more…

We’ve had lots of lovely work sent into CR Towers lately – here’s a selection of some of our favourites. First up is a quirky short film directed by Thomas Hilland. It has been shot entirely on the new Nokia N8 smartphone.

Type Annual deadline extension

Due to several requests and many of you creative types not having got round to organising your submissions for our first Type Annual, we’ve decided to extend the deadline. You now have until November 5 to enter…

Waiting for Superman infographics trailer

Produced by directing team Buck, this animated ‘pledge’ trailer is for the forthcoming Davis Guggenheim film, Waiting For Superman, that investigates the crisis in the US education system