CR November issue

Our November issue features a print-tastic cover from Marian Bantjes which ties in with our profile piece on her, Open Studio, a look back at the early days of digital advertising and more

Tim Flach’s Dogs

Meet Alan – he’s a Standard Poodle. If you’re an avid dogshow attendee, you might know him as Afterglow Sugar Daddy. The above image is one of dozens of photographs of all kinds of dogs taken by Tim Flach specially for his new book, rather appropriately titled Dogs

Life Through A Window

Mexican taxi driver-turned-photographer Oscar Fernando Gomez uses the window of his cab to frame life on the streets of Monterey. His work is currently showing as part of this year’s Brighton Photo Biennial, curated by Martin Parr.

The stamp that moves

The world’s “smallest and shortest film” appears on a new lenticular stamp created for the Dutch postal service TNT. KesselsKramer asked director Anton Corbijn to shoot the one-second film, which features actress Carice van Houten

Could your work make London smile?

Smile for London is the name of a new initiative designed to introduce great, non-commercial visuals to the gloomy environs of London Underground stations – via the freshly installed equipment that projects ads onto selected platforms of stations in central London..

Open source 3D video for Warp’s Flying Lotus

Beeple, the animator of a new video for Flying Lotus’ track Kill Your Co-Workers, has posted all of his 3D animation project files on his website so interested creative geeky types can download them and see exactly how each shot and every character was animated and use the files as they wish…

Visual Editions: Tristram Shandy

For their first book, Visual Editions tackled one of literature’s most ambitious novels: Laurence Sterne’s The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. It’s also one that, fittingly, is ripe for a visual reimagining

Design Event North East 2010

The annual Design Event North East festival opens this week, with events and exhibitions taking place in venues across Newcastle and Gateshead, all based around the theme of ‘conversation’.