The Annual: Now open for submissions

Does it innovate? Is it powerful? Does it achieve its objectives? Is it original? Is it beautiful? The Creative Review Annual 2011 is now open for submissions.

A gap in the thinking?

As Gap ditched its condensed serif and preppy blue square for something more default modern, design blogs lit up with comment yesterday. But in a strange social media-infused reaction to the various ‘reinterpretations’ of the logo that surfaced, Gap has implied there’s some crowd sourcing coming your way, based on those very designs

Travelling, African dictator style

As there is so much excellent work at the Brighton Photo Biennial this year, I’m going to put up a series of blog posts looking at some of the shows in more depth. First up is a series of photographs by Nick Gleis which reveal the interior opulence of the private jets owned by African dictators in the 1960s and 70s.

Virgin Atlantic: out of this world?

RKCY/Y&R in London has released its latest spot for Virgin Atlantic. A natural successor to the agency’s 25th birthday ad for the brand, this one takes the whole sexy air hostess, hunky pilot vibe to an even more ludicrous extreme. But more than anything, the ad just demonstrates the vast gulf between airlines’ advertising and the reality of flying…

Process: The Working Practices of Barney Bubbles

Currently showing at the Chelsea Space in London is an exhibition exploring the working practice of the late, great Barney Bubbles. The show gives an insight into the imaginative mind of Bubbles, featuring letters, sketches and artwork proposals, alongside finished works.

OFFSET 2010: Carson, Dadich, Farrow and Wyman

OFFSET festival drew to a close in Dublin yesterday evening and I’m thoroughly exhausted. Despite the lack of sleep (bad hotel, not the partying) OFFSET remains one the of the best design conferences I’ve ever attended

Martin Parr brings new talent to Brighton

The fourth Brighton Photo Biennial, curated by Martin Parr, opens across venues in Brighton and Hove this weekend, offering an eclectic and entertaining mix of photography shows that include a plethora of new talent…

Mark Ronson: Record Collection ad

This stop-motion ad for Mark Ronson’s new album Record Collector features a variety of his musical collaborators in toy form

OFFSET 2010: Day 1

The sun is shining in Dublin on this the first day of design festival OFFSET’s three days of scheduled talks and events taking place at the city’s brand new Grand Canal Theatre. First to take the stage: Adrian Shaughnessy and Tony Brook of Unit Editions…

Clare Park: Breaking Form

Breaking Form: Buz and Parkinson’s is the result of a 15-year collaboration between photographer Clare Park, Parkinson’s sufferer Buz Williams and his wife Debbie Green

LA Story

Los Angeles is about to spend $30 billion upgrading its public transport system. Michael Lejeune’s team has to persuade LA’s car-loving citizens to use it

All manner of life, frozen in time

A new show at Tate Britain looks at the career of Eadweard Muybridge: photographer, technical innovator and forerunner of cinematic art