Phillips Parallel Lines Comp Winners

Sir Ridley Scott has picked a winner of the competition attached to DDB London’s recent Parallel Lines ad campaign for Philips, which invited viewers to make a short film in response to the project. Keegan Wilcox has come out on top with his film Porcelain Unicorn…

The decline of Battersea Power Station

After numerous failed redevelopment attempts from various owners, Battersea Power Station is now on the ‘buildings at risk’ register. Photographer Peter Dazeley set out to document the legendary building as part of a personal project

Kate Moss in KM3D-1

Director Baillie Walsh has created another innovative short film with Kate Moss: this time the model is featured in 3D in a shoot for Another Magazine

The art of sailing

We’ve watched this rather marvellous nautical installation by Josh Beckman taking shape over the last few weeks, and LA’s Machine Project gallery sent us some images of the final piece in place, just in time for the new issue

CR Photography Annual party

To launch our Photography Annual issue, CR staged a private view of the winners’ work at theprintspace in London’s Shoreditch

CR Tweetup

Thanks to everyone who came along to the Design Museum last night for the first ever CR Tweetup. Free drink, a free Moleskine and Lego – what more could you want?

Simon Norfolk: Satellite

In a series of stunning images, photographer Simon Norfolk documents the life of a satellite, from manufacture and testing all the way to the launchpad

Just what is it you’re against?

The Anti Design Festival seems to delight in its own confusion. While this means it offers a pleasantly messy counterpoint to the London Design Festival, it also makes for a contradictory, frustrating and occasionally misdirected series of shows

Chris Doyle’s new year resolutions

Regular readers will remember Chris Doyle’s Personal Identity Guidelines project from last year. His new work has a pop at a host of designer clichés

CR Oct 10 issue: Photography Annual

Creative Review’s October issue has features on Jeremy Sinclair, projection mapping, Ars Electronica and James Victore plus over 80 extra pages of beautiful images in our Photography Annual

How to spot a good builder

In this amusing new TV spot for, written by Sell! Sell! and directed by Mark Denton at Coy!, a selection of scantilly-clad builders compete in a wonderfully ridiculous kind of beauty contest style competition…

Who’s going to manage the social media? A tree..

Apparently most clients these days want some social media element to the campaigns they commission from their agencies. But who’s going to run the blog and twitter feed and upload images to Flickr? In the case of the recently launched campaign for Eos magazine by Happiness Brussels, a tree in a park in Brussels runs the campaign twitter and facebook pages…