More from Prof Craig Ward’s type lab

Readers will (we hope) remember Craig Ward’s cover for our Annual this year in which type was grown using pollen cells. For his next trick, Ward has created the number 30 using highly magnetic ferrofluid

Arno Piroud makes the city smile has a filmed interview with artist Arno Piroud on its website, in support of the recent Urban Interventions title. Piroud’s art is most at home on city streets, unashamedly amusing passersby

Puma salutes the ‘after hours athlete’

Following a summer of slick and snazzy sports ads celebrating athleticism in various forms (though mostly football), Puma has released this spot championing the ‘after hours athlete’, fuelled on beer and kebabs rather than Lucozade and half-time oranges…

Os Gemeos and Futura paint NY school

Brazilian artists Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo (also known as ‘Os Gemeos’) and graffiti legend Futura have just completed an 80-feet-high mural on the wall of a New York school.

On liking

Why do we like the things we like? How do our social, cultural and aesthetic values combine to prompt us to declare ‘I like that?’

Music Philosophy: a poster project

CR’s art director, Paul, found this weekly typographic song lyric project yesterday and sent round the link. We all like it, so now it’s our turn to pass on the link to you, dear blog readers…

Smash the old world

China’s ten-year Cultural Revolution is now generally regarded as a great tragedy in which countless thousands died. A new book brings together extraordinary images of an extraordinary time.

Brody vs. McCandless: The Infographic

Hot on the heels of the graphic design showdown between Neville Brody and David McCandless on Monday’s Newsnight, we’ve noted a first infographic tribute. Posted on, it details the specifics of the stand-off, comparing hair, beards and glasses, among other key issues

Arcade Fire’s Synchronised Artwork

Back in 2007, director Vincent Morisset reinvented the music video online, with his interactive promo for Arcade Fire track Neon Bible. For the band’s latest album, The Suburbs, Morisset has now turned his attention to how digital music files could be more visually exciting…