Nike’s giant World Cup balls up

How (and why) Leicester-based Ratcliffe Fowler Design helped Nike create a sculpture out of 5,500 footballs in a South African shopping centre

Spin bowls out Boom Boom

Just occasionally as a designer you get to work on your dream job: for Spin founder and massive cricket fan Tony Brook the chance to design a new range of cricket bats was one such project

Davis at Typo Circle

Illustrator and artist Paul Davis is to give a talk at the Typographic Circle on July 22 in London

RCA SHOW part two

Here’s the promised second part of our round up of great work spotted at the Roycal College of Art’s SHOW Two yesterday…

RCA: Communication Art & Design degree show

We went along to the Royal College of Art’s SHOW Two yesterday. There was some great work to be seen; here’s a selection of some of the best bits from the Communication Art and Design exhibitions


Work from the world of design showcased on a range of formats that have stood out over the year.

A drawn out crisis

Sociologist David Harvey takes a radical look at the causes of the financial crisis in the latest of the RSA’s animated lecture excerpts

Exhibition: Karl Maier and Craig Redman

Karl Maier and Craig Redman (both members of design collective Rinzen) now live and work on opposite sides of the world – Maier in Sydney, and Redman in New York. However, the pair have been collaborating on new artworks which will be shown in a new exhibition opening tonight in Sydney…

Out of rom

As part of the Antirom collective, Andy Cameron was at the forefront of new media experimentation. After an eight-year stint at Benetton’s Fabrica research centre in Italy, he has recently joined ad agency Wieden + Kennedy in London. Eliza Williams meets a true pioneer