Pick Me Up: Nobrow

In the second installment of our batch of short films made whilst perusing the wares and exhibits of the Pick Me Up graphic art fair currently running at Somerset House, we caught up with Alex Spiro and Sam Arthur, founders of Nobrow…

In the interest of your own safety

It’s a striking street graphic for sure. But at the expense of provocation, its message about the erosion of civil liberties doesn’t quite add up

Pick Me Up: Nobrow

Creative Review talks to publishing team Nobrow at the Pick Me Up show in London’s Somerset House

Mildred, the amazing surfing sheep

Meet Mildred, the amazing surfing sheep, spokesbeast for Cornish surfwear brand Finisterre (motto ‘Doing clever things with wool’)

Erwin Olaf: Recent Work

An exhibition of recent work by Dutch photographer Erwin Olaf opened today at Hamiltons gallery in London…

Pick Me Up: Print Club and HigginsonHurst

We’ve been filming down at Pick Me Up – the graphic art show at Somerset House in London. First up, how to make a screenprint, plus interviews with James Hurst of HigginsonHurst and James Jarvis

Carnovsky’s RGB wallpaper

For the Milan Design Week, Italian studio Carnovsky created a series of wallpapers that react to different coloured lights

Life in 2050

To tie in with the 9th Sci-Fi London Film Festival, graphic design studio Transmission asked 22 image makers from around the world to create a new piece of work depicting their vision of what life will be like in 2050…

Welcome to Bright Falls

To promote the new Xbox 360 game Alan Wake, agencytwofifteen (formerly TAG) has created an episodic drama that serves as a prequel to the game…

Scotch Rocking All Over the World (ahem)

It’s no surprise to learn that Status Quo’s Francis Rossi used to enjoy a wee dram of whisky on the tour bus. But the Quo’s frontman is now also chairman of the similarly-named Glen Rossie brand and his 40-year penchant for Good Time Boogie Rock has even inspired a redesign of the bottle and label