Dick Bruna book jackets

Online shop and design studio Present&Correct is currently offering up books that its founder, Neal Whittington, has collected with front covers by Dutch illustrator Dick Bruna…

NYC’s absurdist Subway map

New York studio Triboro’s Subway map evokes the rigid grid of the city’s layout, but also its chaotic nature at the same time: it’s printed only in fluorescent red

UVA: Speed of Light 2

We’ve been following the development of United Visual Artists’ latest project – a major installation using lasers. Here’s the second update on things so far

Protest Posters, Parisian Style

Left-wing protesters hijacked the illuminated billboards in a Paris Metro station recently, using them to advertise their own messages instead…

Save Plastic People posters

Ali Augur’s latest flyers for Shoreditch basement club, Plastic People, sport illustrations of a handful of London’s finest record shops, that are clubbing together to put on a night at the club supporting a campaign to save it from closure…

Music Matters

Short film ‘label’ Future Shorts is launching Music Matters, a celebration of the importance of music, with an event in London and a series of short films that are being released online…

CR April issue: redesign

Creative Review has been redesigned with a new size, new paper, new typography and, yes, a new logo

RCA goes for Brody

The Royal College of Art has announced that Neville Brody has been confirmed as the new Head of the Department of Communication Art & Design. Good choice?

Art for anything that is sound

Unit Editions’ first newsprint publication unearths a selection of covers that Ronald Clyne designed for esoteric US record label, Folkways. The work, and the story of the label’s almost sacred mission, make for a compelling read